Minimally Invasive Treatment of Vascular Diseases and Deformities/Malformations
Recanalizing/vasodilating procedures
- Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA)
- Endovascular prosthetic (stent) / endograft implantation (thoracic and abdominal aorta, visceral vessels, renal arteries, peripheral vessels, hemodialysis shunts)
- Local fibrinolysis, mechanical thrombectomy/atherectomy
(4 Bilder)

Occluding/vasoconstrictive procedures
- Embolization for gastrointestinal and/or postoperative bleeding
- Reduction of tumor vascularization preoperatively
- Embolization/occlusion for the elimination of vascular lesions, aneurysms, fistulas, and AV malformations (peripheral, pulmonary, renal)
- Sclerotherapy of varicose veins of the testicular/ovarian veins (for pelvic vein syndrome)
(5 Bilder)

Special procedures
- Central venous port placement
- Permanent venous catheterization (Hickman, Shaldon, PICC-line = peripherally inserted central venous catheter)
- Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPSS) placement (for uncontrollable esophageal variceal bleeding, refractory ascites)
- Vena cava filter implantation (for recurrent/life-threatening pulmonary embolism due to deep vein thrombosis)
- Transjugular liver biopsy
- Percutaneous transvascular foreign body extraction (cath fragments, electrode remnants, etc.)
- Hormone blood sampling (parathyroid hormone, cortisol, ACTH, renin/angiotensin, insulin)
(4 Bilder)